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Tampere University Master of Science (Technology) in Automation Engineering
Tampere University

Master of Science (Technology) in Automation Engineering

Tampere, Finnország

2 Years


Teljes idő

Kérelem benyújtásának határideje

Aug 2025

EUR 12 000 / per year *

Az egyetemen

* per academic year for non-EU/EEA students


Reach higher – choose automation!

Do you want to become an expert in factory automation and robotics? Join our inspiring learning environment with the international staff!

Tampere University offers a unique learning environment for factory automation and robotics. After completing the program, you will be qualified to pursue a wide range of career opportunities in different fields of automation and robotics. You will also have the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the industry or continue your studies toward a doctorate. Please see our unique learning and research environments

  • RoboLabTampere - A fab lab for robotics education and R&D,
  • Fast Lab research group and
  • Innovative Hydraulics and Automation (IHA).

To be a successful student of Factory Automation and Robotics, you need to have a background in an applicable field of engineering with proficiency in mathematics and physics and strong programming skills.

The studies consist of two majors that complement each other. The studies in Factory Automation and Industrial Informatics prepare you to apply systems thinking to design, develop, and integrate factory automation and information systems. The robotics major provides you with skills and knowledge related to robotics and the technology involved, such as the fundamentals of robotics, the control of robotics, and sensing/perception systems. You can flavor your studies in different directions depending on your interest and the career directions you want to take.

After graduation, you will have excellent career opportunities in different fields of engineering. The jobs that our graduates have gone into include, for example, project manager, design engineer, application specialist, automation system designer and R&D engineer. With your Master of Science Degree in Technology, you will also have excellent opportunities to continue working in academia as a scientist or pursue a doctoral degree.

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