Master of Psychology
2 Years
Teljes idő
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EUR 8250 / per year
Az egyetemen
Understanding the ability to help others with a Master’s degree in Psychology
The University of New York in Prague is very proud to announce its first graduate degree that has been accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport. Students who attain the Czech master’s degree in psychology will have the right to use the title Mgr.
A master’s degree in psychology is an essential foundation for professions in all fields of psychology, from clinical work to academic research. Students in the graduate psychology program at the University of New York in Prague will be thoroughly prepared at both theoretical and practical levels.
Is this UNYP master’s degree program right for me?
This two-year program is based on specialized theoretical subjects (e.g., current topics of general psychology such as the psychology of personality and developmental psychology), which provide the foundation for related applied and clinical disciplines (e.g., clinical psychology and health psychology, school and educational psychology, personnel psychology). Supervised internships form an integral part of the UNYP master’s degree in psychology, as they provide graduates with practical experience for acquiring crucial knowledge and skills unavailable in books alone. The design and implementation of an original scientific research project and thesis prepare students for independent research expertise and forms an equally essential part of the program. Courses run primarily on the weekends in order to support students’ internship and potential work needs during the week.
A tanfolyamok a következőket tartalmazzák:
- Klinikai és egészségpszichológia
- Szociálpszichológia
- A személyiség pszichológiája
- Kognitív pszichológia
- A munka és a szervezés pszichológiája
- Fejlődéslélektan
- Oktatáspszichológia
- Kultúrális antropológia
- Kutatási módszerek a pszichológiában
- Fejlett statisztikai elemzés
- Bevezetés a pszichológiai tanácsadásba és pszichoterápiába
- Pszichológiai szakmák az egészségügyben és a szociális szférában Csehországban és az EU-ban
- A pszichodiagnosztika elmélete
- Pszichopatológia
- Gyermekklinikai pszichológia és pszichodiagnosztika
- Felnőttek pszichodiagnosztikája
- Etika a pszichológiában
A program eredménye
UNYP Bachelor of Information Technology graduates will gain:
- An understanding of the mechanisms in an organization and/or enterprise including management, finance, aspects of law, sales and marketing, and human resource management;
- Development of key business and management skills;
- An understanding of IT architectures and the issues, concerns and strategies related to their deployment;
- Knowledge of the processes involved in software programming and the elements involved in software development and testing to ensure its successful deployment;
- The ability to prepare, present and support IT projects in front of a critical audience;
- Complementary coursework that strengthens, enhances and expands on core business learning;
- Elective courses that allow students to deepen their interests in a variety of subject areas such as integrated marketing communications, mass media, international relations, economics, finance and accounting, literature, and psychology;
- The ability to think theoretically and analytically about contemporary issues in the global economy;
- Improved oral and written communication skills in English;
- Proficiency in using software applications and information technology for research;
- The ability to work collaboratively in teams and in a multicultural setting;
Ösztöndíjak és finanszírozás
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.