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564 programs in Németország


  • Mester
  • MSc
  • MA
  • Németország
  • Művészettudományok (4)
  • Élettudomány (20)
  • Humán tanulmányok (15)
  • Design tanulmányok (18)
  • Divat (3)
  • Egészségügy (39)
  • Előadóművészet (22)
  • Energiatanulmányok (14)
  • Fenntarthatóság tanulmányok (45)
  • Jogi tanulmányok (4)
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564 programs in Németország

Mester Programok ban ben Németország

Located at the east-meets-west of Europe, Germany is a country with so much to offer. With modern cities, castles, beautiful scenery, gorgeous countryside, and charming villages, Germany has something for every international student. Germany is also the center for the inner financial workings of the EU, is home to excellent educational institutions, art, culture, and a vast network of professionals, making a Master in Germany an excellent choice.

Germany offers a diverse range of educational opportunities to earn a Master in Germany degree. They range from small and private to large and public universities with competitive and specialized programs in many different areas of study. Some popular subjects for a Master in Germany are communications, logistics, law, business, computer science, international affairs, and architecture. Program lengths for a Master in Germany vary depending on the program and if the student chooses full or part-time studies, with online programs also available.

The options for a Master in Germany are numerous so get started by browsing through the list below!